Friday, December 26, 2008

The Christmas Story

Here is the gift Shelli gave her brothers and sister for Christmas. It is a framed copy of the page from their dad's Bible of the Christmas story. He read it to them every year before they could open their gifts on Christmas Eve.

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Sunday, December 14, 2008

1000 Points of Light

Jesse and the boys hung our Christmas lights today. Randy was the brave one who got on the roof. Justin and Landon took the dizzying task of wrapping the big tree in the front yard.

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Silver Tree Pink Feathers

The beautifully decorated silver aluminum tree in Shelli's classroom. All the ornaments are flamingos and the top is a pink fuzzy tiara!

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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Festivities at the Fort

Even after an already full day of sort-of sledding and antique shopping, we still had to go on our annual Christmas evening in Burnet to Fort Croghan Christmas and the Main Street Bethlehem. Marci had never been, so we made sure we got a good picture of her wearing the dunce cap in the one-room schoolhouse.

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Snow Joke!

Here are some pictures of Randy and Landon sledding. Yes, snow sledding in central Texas! The Llano Chamber of Commerce had some man-made snow blown onto a hillside in one of the city parks and then let the kids come and ride inner tubes down it.

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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Landon Hoops It Up

Here are a few shots of Landon's basketball game against Burnet Middle School On Dec. 1. The final score was 16-13 (Burnet won), and Landon scored 2 of the 13 points. He also almost scored 2 of the 16 - thank goodness he missed THAT shot!

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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Wedding March

Well, Corky is officially hitched! He and Marci have a blog at and there will be more photos available on it soon!

We'll try to put some of the highlight photos on here when we get a chance.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Seniors vs. Senior Citizens

Well, Moses had a staff that parted the sea. We've had staph in the field house. And now the staff went to a whole new place....The high school faculty faced off in the grand championship flag football game against the senior boys last night. That meant Jesse got to play against Randy. It was hilarious to say the least. Randy was talking smack and doing somersaults in front of Jesse to aggravate him.

It should have been called the Metal Bowl because of the silver hair and the various "iron men" and "men of steel"on the field (the iron and steel were in all the pins in knees, plates in necks, etc. on the old guys, mostly Jesse).

I told them they should have adopted new names like Ty Lenol, Jerry Tall, Ben Gay. I also offered to cheer De-Fense De-Fense for the seniors and De-Pends De-Pends for the faculty. It was not well-received. Anyway, when their principal came out to hang out on the sidelines I heard Jesse ask him why he wasn't playing - I shot out that they were going to need SOMEONE still able to move a finger to dial subs for all of them tomorrow! Also not well-received.

Here's the best part - the faculty WON 21-20!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Under Wraps - Randy Prom

Yes, he wore his duct tape tuxedo, but he didn't enter the contest.

Even the rose , the hat, and bowtie were made from duct tape.

Here he is primping and getting ready.

He even made a wallet from duct tape.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Randy starred as Harry the Horse in MFHS's production of Guys and Dolls. He actually sang...

And sang well! Who knew???