Thursday, June 17, 2004

Rebuilding Plan

After the meeting deal last night we all got to talking and decided that my dad would be the best person for the position of head coach at our HS. The program has to be rebuilt after 4-5 years of destruction by the former admin/super that we had. I called him last night and told him that his grandsons NEEDED him. This TOWN needs him. (It needs an enema!) He and one other person that I can think of would be ideal - they both would have to come out of retirement and prove that they are teaching in a teaching field where there is a shortage. I may go to central office today and snoop out some more info and drop it in his lap this weekend. I told him last night to bring interview clothes and a tie and at least come over here and see what was up. I know he misses coaching-- he said my alma mater had called him and asked him to come coach for them --- so the idea of coming out of retirement isn't a complete shock. I spent the rest of the day sewing. Still have a couple of things left to sew and I have to clean house before we leave AND make a grocery list, buy groceries, pick up Justin's TIHA trophy and clean/pack the trailer. BEFORE 4pm!!!!!!!!!!Ok--I'm off.

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